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Maths Functional Skills

Subject Area

English & Maths

Student Type


Study Mode

Part Time

Course Type

Adult Further Education

What is the course about?

Our functional skills courses focus on the skills needed in everyday work and life.

They help develop practical maths skills and allow you to apply these to a range of everyday situations. Whether you need to learn how to calculate percentages for work or balance your personal finances, the Functional Skills Maths courses will focus on practical maths skills used in everyday life.

Our courses are available at three levels (Entry level, Level 1 & 2) and all aim to build on your current starting point.

Each course lasts for 16 weeks with a September and February entry points

The awarding body for the course is City & Guilds

Why should I choose the course?

We know that for some people the maths simply doesn't add up.

We have taken the fear out of maths for people who hate dealing with numbers. We've also given people the skills they need to gain confidence

From being able to check your change in a shop to helping your children with homework we know that these skills can be life-changing. What's more, they'll help you to get a job if you're out of work and get on in one if you're already working.

Just think how great it will be to do those things you never thought were possible and get in touch today.

Many Universities will accept Functional Skills L2 as an alternative entry requirement to GCSE, however this is depending on the University and course entry requirements (Always check directly with the University)

What will I learn?

Functional Skills courses cover practical maths skills including calculating with whole numbers, fractions and percentages, ratios and scale, measuring shape and space as well as using statistics and presenting data

Task based activities will allow you to practice these in real life scenarios. Your progress will be regularly reviewed with your tutor

You will work individually, in pairs, small groups or as a whole group. In order to consolidate the skills and knowledge taught, you will need to do at least 1 hour of directed study per week in your own time.

What will the course lead on to?

On successful completion, by achieving a pass in a formal l examination, you will receive a City & Guilds Functional Skills qualification in Maths at Entry level, level 1 or 2.

You may then progress to the next level of Functional Skills Maths, GCSE or courses in other areas with advice from experienced teachers.

Are there any links with industry and university?

These courses are designed specifically to help you improve your chances of securing a job or progressing in one you already have. Employers, no matter what industry sector, want employees who can use numbers effectively, solve problems and are numerically competent

Or you may need to upskill your Maths to secure a University place.

What support is available?

We have a team of staff dedicated to providing learning support if required, as well as a Welfare Team that is on hand to offer guidance, support and help when needed. Additionally, eligible students can access a wide range of finance and funding support to help them during their time at college.

Click here for learning support:

Click here for finance support:

Why should I choose to study the course at Warrington & Vale Royal College?

Studying at WVR is easier than you think. With courses that fit around you, help with finance and support with study and IT skills, we’ve got everything you need to succeed!

Perhaps you think you're too old, can't afford it or haven't got the time - well think again! At WVR we're a College for the whole community and we've made it easier than ever for you to achieve your ambitions with our engaging courses and expert tuition

What are the entry requirements?

Before you enrol, we will make sure you are enrolled to the right level of course for you through a short Skills Check and an information appointment.

You should be able to state which skills you wish to improve, have clear goals you wish to achieve and be able to work independently.

What are my funding options?

For any funding enquiries, please contact our Learner Services Team by calling 01925 494400 or emailing

Are there any additional costs associated with the course?

There are no additional costs. Throughout the course you will be provided with a variety of resources in class and on the colleges Virtual Learning Environment.

Careers Information

Course options


16 Weeks
Class Times
09:00 - 12:00
Warrington Campus
Adult Fee
16-18 Fee
Contact College

Starts Sep 2025

16 Weeks
Class Times
Warrington Campus
Adult Fee
16-18 Fee
Contact College

Starts Sep 2025

16 Weeks
Class Times
Warrington Campus
Adult Fee
16-18 Fee
Contact College

Course Enquiry

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