Parents & Carers
We are committed to working with parents and carers and recognise the important role they play in the success and happiness of our students.
To report a safeguarding concern please call 01925 494 222 or email
To report a student absence please call 01925 494 498.

Other key college contacts
- Reception and general enquiries - 01925 494 494
- Learner Services - 01925 494 400 /
- Admissions - 01925 494 393 /
- Bursary & Transport - 01925 494 501 /
- Careers - 01925 494 660 /
- Learning Support -

Accessing the MyWVR app
Students can use our MyWVR app to access their timetable, report absences, keep in touch with their tutor, message college support services, receive key college alerts and much more.
Available on Apple's App Store and Google Play, it takes two minutes to download on a mobile phone and is FREE!
To log into the MyWVR app, students are required to head to the 'Student and Staff Login' and enter the following details:
Username: student email address
Password: D.O.B (8 digits)
Students struggling to download or access the MyWVR app are advised to notify their personal tutor or progress coach.
What do parents say about us?
- "My son really enjoys his course and is making good progress with the support and guidance from his tutors. Very impressed and would recommend anyone to undertake this course."
- "My daughter is loving the course and making new friends. The college is excellent in all areas and I would recommend it to anyone."
- "The quality of education is very high and the lecturers are very inspirational."
- "I have had opportunities on several occasions to talk with the tutors and their approach is highly professional and helpful."
- "A huge thank you to all who have made the transition from high school to college a breeze! High school was a difficult time for my son and I as a parent was very apprehensive about the step up. It really has been the making of him!"