This pivotal step shows the college’s serious commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and securing a cleaner, more sustainable energy source. The benefits of solar panels are many, from the production of clean, renewable energy to vastly reducing carbon emissions. By beginning the transition to solar energy, Warrington & Vale Royal College is making a substantial contribution to a greener future for both the town and its students.
Each year the solar panels are projected to produce an impressive 352, 296 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity for the college, resulting in the reduction of 75.2 tonnes of carbon emissions. The solar panels will generate 30% of the college’s electrical consumption, making a long-lasting and impactful difference. This not only aligns with the college’s commitment to sustainability but sets an example for other local organisations to follow and join the college in making Warrington #OneStepGreener.
The move to green energy is not the only step the college is taking to be more sustainable. Already, a long list of smaller actions has been taken, such as installing LED lights across campus, sending all waste to a recycling facility and installing solar films to buildings – to name just a few. More recently, the college made an even bigger stride toward sustainability and bode farewell to its hundred-page long prospectus. This year, 16-18-year-old prospective students have access to a fully-digital prospectus, a bold move that has already saved a staggering 124 trees.
Michelle Seeley, the college’s Deputy Principal of Finance & Resources and Chair of the Sustainability Committee, says: “I’m really pleased that we have been able to make this investment into our campus. This move not only aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility but also marks a significant step toward a more sustainable and energy-efficient future for our college.”
Learn more about Warrington & Vale Royal College’s commitment to sustainability