Ellis Jones, Level 3 Games Design & Animation student said: "It wasn’t until I came to an Open Evening in year 11 that I found out how, and now I am well on my way and enjoying every minute!”

Even at the young age of 7, former Padgate Academy pupil Ellis Jones knew that he wanted a future career as a game developer.
Now, studying Level 3 Games Design & Animation at Warrington & Vale Royal College, Ellis can see that his dream job is well within his reach.
Ellis’ ultimate career goal is to create his own RPG style game, inspired by his interest in Norse mythology, and feels his course brings him closer to this achievement every day. He said:
“I love this course! It is so much fun, every day is different and I feel like I am becoming a specialist in my subject. I always dreamt that I would be a games developer when I was older but I never knew how to get there. It wasn’t until I came to an Open Evening in year 11 that I found out how, and now I am well on my way and enjoying every minute!”
So far, Ellis has been spending time in the college’s state-of-the-art ACDS centre learning the fundamental techniques needed in the industry, using software such as Maya and ZBrush to polish his modelling skills. His favourite project so far has been sculpting his own version of Thor’s Hammer, hoping that this early asset can one day be transferred into his own game. The college can’t wait to see what exciting designs Ellis will create next.
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