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Beau Burgess receives place at Salford University studying Esports Business Management!

We are celebrating the success of former Level 3 Esports student, Beau Burgess, who has recently celebrated outstanding grade which have opened the doors to his dream degree in Esports Business Management!

Beau Burgess WVR Results day

After receiving a triple Merit grade on Vocational Results Day, Beau chose to study at Salford University after hearing its strength in business-related subjects, and knew this industry was where he wanted to progress in to.

Beau found his Level 3 Esports course broad and exciting. The variety of topics covered gave him inspiration for his future, particularly the events management element, which Beau hopes to continue into a career in.

From submitting his application to enrolling at the college, the staff at Warrington & Vale Royal College could not do enough to help Beau. This support continued when he began applying for universities and his next steps in education during his course at the college. He said: “I have loved my time here and would recommend the college to anyone; I’ve already been telling my friends about it! I am so excited for my next steps and I’m grateful for the support I have been given to get there.”

Our Esport course is a great way to gain industry-relevant skills by using our state-of-the-art facilities, working on live projects set by external clients and gain valuable work experience.

Find out more about esports